Every small business owner has tools of the trade. For example, a landscape contractor needs tools such as a measuring tape, hammers and a backhoe. As a new lawn care business owner, you may be wondering about the equipment needed to start a lawn care business, and what’s really involved from a cost perspective. We’ve got your list and some tips for getting started with the right equipment to keep your new business going strong.
Why You Really Can’t Go the Cheap Route
When you’re first starting out, you need to “spend money to make money,” and that includes everything from your uniforms, trucks, and office staff. You lawn service equipment needs to be sturdy, clean and able to work in all kinds of weather conditions.
Plus, you want to have a professional appearance. So, your equipment needs to look professional too.
You don’t want to have mowers that are chugging out thick, black smoke, and you don’t want your spreaders to break down in the middle of a fertilizer treatment.
You also need the right equipment to get the job done. You’ll need heavy-duty tools that can handle a quarter of an acre all the way up to a few acres of lawn grass.
Sometimes, it seems more economical to buy on the cheap or buy smaller equipment.
But before you know it, your business grows with a few large residential properties, and you don’t have the right equipment to get the job done.
Now, what do you do? Think quality from the get-go, and you’ll avoid having to replace worn-out tools that just weren’t made to last, especially for commercial projects.
Learn more: Fight snow during the winter? Then read why you need Spyker’s winter spreader.
6 Types of Equipment Needed to Start a Lawn Care Business
It’s understandable that as a newcomer to lawn care, you likely want to take some shortcuts until you get more customers under your belt. Yet, as you grow, you’re going to need to invest in some heavy-duty equipment to get all of your clients’ lawns cleaned up promptly. According to Lawn and Landscape, a typical landscape company will have 8-14% of sales going towards their equipment costs each year. When starting out, it’s wise to budget between $30-$50k for start-up costs.
Here’s the list of those six pieces of equipment you must have when you’re starting your lawn business:
- Heavy-duty trucks: You’re going to need a truck or two that to haul a trailer carrying lawn mowers and lawn service equipment and tools. Estimated cost: $10,000-$50,000.
- Trailer: You need a sturdy trailer that’s easy to load with mowers, blowers and spreaders. Estimated cost: $1,500 for a new steel trailer.
- Storage facility: Unless you have a large garage or another out-building on your property, you’ll need to lease space at a storage facility to keep all of your equipment in between jobs. Estimated cost: $50-$200/month.
- Uniforms: You don’t need to go crazy, but you should have at least have T-shirts designed with your company’s name, logo, and phone number (for folks to call you for an estimate when they see your crews around town), pants and work boots. Uniforms communicate trust and professionalism. Estimated cost: $12-$30 per employee depending on style, fabric, etc.
- Safety equipment: OSHA requires that you and your workers wear eye and ear protection when working out in the field. You and your technicians should also wear pants and sturdy boots to protect your bodies from sharp blades and flying debris. Another safety must is hearing protection. Estimated cost: Earmuff-style hearing protection can cost around $25/pair, safety goggles can be as low as $10/pair.
- The Must-have, no compromising, tools of the trade: Lawn mowers with attachments, such as mulchers and side catchers. Depending on the properties you take care of, you may need a walk-behind mower as well as a riding mower for larger properties. Estimated cost: There is a huge range in the cost of landscaping equipment, depending on brand, size, etc. A push mower can be as low as $100, while a new riding mower can get up into the several thousands. Here’s an excellent breakdown on costs for lawn care tools from HowtoStartanLLC.com:
- Riding Mower: $1,000-$5,000
- Push Mower: $200-$1,000
- Trimmer: $50-$300
- Edger: $80-$350
- Leaf Blower: $100-$500
- Lawn Bags: $5-$20
- Lawn Spreader: $200-$500
- Lawn Sprayer: $50-200
- Assorted additional tools (like trimmers, garden hoses, spades, etc.): $10-$50 each

Choose Spyker Spreaders For Your Lawn Business
Spreaders help the lawn care professional fertilize as well as add weed and insect controls. Thanks to features like ACCUWAY and the Spyker Dial, a Spyker spreader actually helps you save money by not wasting product. This gives your clients a better ROI on your lawn services because of the even spreading of materials for beautiful lawn.
Plus, if you want to have a snow/ice removal business over the winter, our newest addition, the new Ergo-Pro™ Ice Melt Spreader, can cut through rock salt and ice melt and stands up to the harshest outdoor conditions.
Most importantly of all– Spyker spreaders are the type of quality that lasts. Unlike other disposable spreaders that barely make it through a season, Spyker uses better materials, construction, and design to ensure durability over time.
If you’re ready to check out a Spyker spreader for your lawn care business, you can find our products at your nearest Spyker dealer.
Entrepreneur.com, “Tools of the Trade: Must-Have Equipment for Your Lawn Care or Landscaping Business.”